A few tips to assist the creative writer in the blogging community

Abhishek Kale
The Writing Cooperative
2 min readJan 18, 2019


Photo by Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

Blogging has a structure, blogging has a certain voice and whether you admit it or not, to be successful as a blogger you need to keep a certain format in your mind.

Creativity here is different. yes! it definitely exists but say, if you are writing fiction, fantasy and sorts, then blogging isn’t exactly the platform for you to tell your stories.

Number one rule here is the benefit of the reader. What value does each piece add to the life of the other. Of-course all of this is debatable as per each situation but here I am specifically talking about, it blunting your creative blade if you don’t consciously practice imagination. Regularity yes!

So if you have just been blogging and not working on your fiction, fantasy book or a movie script or whatever, then definitely, I guess you are not accessing your full spectrum of imagination.

At least that is my case right now. If you have been experiencing something different do let me know.

5 tips I thought of for myself to begin creative writing again

  1. Build a vocabulary. Very basic but yes! needs to be practiced consciously.
  2. Practice expressionism.
  3. Write that “Book.”
  4. Pickup prompts from the world and do short stories as often as possible. Side note, doesn’t need to be published, you can if you want but just for the sake of staying in touch with your inner story teller.
  5. Explore different story telling formats. Like podcasting. Stories change flavor by the medium they are delivered through. A change of medium can spark different ideas, visions and style. Also, Yes! do try to re-haul your blogging style every now and then.

Essential thing to remember? don’t take yourself too seriously. Effective storytelling is hindered by it. Don’t be too stuck up with your ideas, let your imagination flow and take up the most absurd of forms.

Whatever you imagine is plausible. Just finish that damm script or story. One or the other reader will definitely relish it.

Sometimes something disastrous has a distinct flavor too and it’s absurdity is what actually garners long-term attention and memory.

A fine example could be the movie “Disaster Artist.”

Helping each other write better.



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